How to prepare your members for payments

We’re updating the way statuses work to make them more simple and specific while your members transition to new payout accounts. These new statuses will help you quickly understand where members are in the process and what action, if any, needs to be taken.

Why the change?

  • To support the migration to new payout accounts (Instant via KOHO or Scheduled via AnyDay). Learn more about the migration.
  • To provide managers with clear, actionable member statuses.
  • To ensure a smooth transition for active members moving to a new payout account.

Here's how the new statuses work

If you’re unable to pay a member, it may be that they are still in a Migrating, Pending, or Onboarding status. These statuses indicate that action is required from the member to complete setting up their payout account.

This status is assigned by the system when the migration is initiated for your location. Members in this status were previously active and are now transitioning to a new payout account.
Payments cannot be processed until the member has completed setting up their payout account. Managers should encourage members to complete the migration promptly.
Newly added member has been invited but has not started their setup.
Payments cannot be processed until the member has completed setting up their payout account.
Member has started setting up their payout account.
Payments cannot be processed until the member has completed setting up their payout account.
✓ Ready
The member has successfully setup their payout account.
Member is ready to receive payments to their chosen payout account.

Common questions

Will members be notified about the migration?

Yes, your team will receive notifications about their migration status and any actions they need to take to resolve issues or complete their migration.

What should managers do if a member’s status is locked?

If a member’s status is locked, please advise the member to contact our support team for assistance. The member will not be able to start their migration until the issue is resolved.

Our goal is to make the transition as seamless as possible. For any further assistance, please reach out to our support team.